Introducing Advance Shipping Note


Nov 14, 2022

The Advanced Shipping Note feature includes the creation of ASN (Advanced Shipping Note) by the Parent customer for the Child customers or Vendors. The Parent Customers create ASN for their Sellers.

Caption: Parent Customer Portal – Top Panel and Left Panel

The ASN is reflected on the Customer Portal of the Child Customer or Vendor and can be further used to create the CNs.

Parent customers will be able to see all the ASNs that it created for the Child customers along with the status of each ASN created.

Child customers will be able to see only the ASN that has been assigned to them by the Parent customer and can use them to create the CNs from this ASN.

The ASN Status types are as follows: 

  • ASN UPLOADED – This status is set once an ASN is created by the Parent Customer.
  • ASN CONVERTED TO CN – This status is set once the Vendor/Child Customer uses this ASN to create the CN.
  • ASN CANCELED – This status is set for all the ASNs canceled by the Parent customer. 
  • The ASN Canceled status can be applied to only the ASNs with ASN Uploaded Status.
Caption: ASN page with buckets

How to Use This Feature?


Parent customer will upload ASN (Advance Shipping Note) details using Shipsy’s Customer Portal.

Once the ASN data gets uploaded, Child customer will log-in to the system and get access

to only those ASN which are assigned/linked to him.

Below columns to be considered for ASN uploading, further another screen is required to

manually input the data. (Frontend as well as excel upload)

  1. Vendor Code (Drop down in front end)
  2. Vendor name (Determine based on vendor code)
  3. ASN No.
  4. ASN Date
  5. Business ID/Client code (Drop down in front end)
  6. Service Type(Drop down in front end) 
  7. Origin location code  –
  8. Destination code (DC code)  –
  9. Allocation Tag (Drop down in front end)
  10. No. of HUs

Step 2:

Child customer will update the details like:

  1. Weight in KG
  2. Dimensions in CM
  3. Invoice No.
  4. Invoice Value
  5. Invoice Date
  6. No. of HUs (Exact Count)
  7. E-way bill No. (Part A)
  8. E-way bill Date
Caption: ASN Page on Child Customer Portal

These details can be filled against the ASN either using an excel upload functionality or by

providing an option on front end and will proceed further to convert the ASN into Consignment in Shipsy’s Customer portal (2 separate screens/pages to show ASN’s uploaded & CN created from ASN)

  • In single consignment entry, option to enter weight/dimensions for multiple HUs (currently available in excel)
  • On successful CN creation, data to be pushed to Shipsy TMS and shipping label to be generated from customer portal (Considering existing format)

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