How to Investigate ERP in detail


Oct 3, 2022

To increase visibility of the product we’ve added some cool new functionalities in the already existing ERP sync logs. Here are few of the additions –

  • Event bucketing – Created 3 buckets to segregate the events and ease up the process of searching each of them. Here are the 3 buckets – Inbound, Outbound & Carrier
  • Retry Button – Gives the access to user to retry a failed call for the user to actually cover the most common use case of failures due to timeout
  • Copy Button – For deeper debugging we know that you always end up copying the payload into one of your favourite text editor so here is a button to help you with exactly that
Image 1: Shows the additions in ERP Sync Logs

​​Go into the bucket where you want to check the logs for a given event

  1. Choose the event whose log you want to inspect
  2. Type in the specific trip_id, consignment number or any other input for which you want to inspect the logs for
  3. Use the retry button (wherever applicable) to retry failed attempts
  4. Use the copy button in the payload section to further debug your issues on consignment / trip / any other entity level

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