5 Behavioral Patterns That All Online Grocery Shoppers Are Guilty of, Including Us


5 Behavioral Patterns That All Online Grocery Shoppers Are Guilty of, Including Us

Remember when you used to spent an hour preparing that grocery list, and sometimes you even remembered to take that list to the store? Yes, getting back home to get that list was the first thing some of us did while going grocery shopping. 

We know you too have been guilty of abandoning that ‘list’ at home. But that was then. Today, online grocery delivery apps have taken care of such forgetful behavior, but interestingly it conjured new ones. That’s what we are going to talk about in this post–five shopping behaviors we are all guilty of showing.

“I ordered everything, but missed the one ingredient that made me shop online”

We saw that smirk! We are guilty too. Our colleague Julie frequently finds herself forgetting to order spaghetti when she plans to cook Spaghetti in Marinara Sauce. But does she cancel her plan to cook? Absolutely not. She orders the spaghetti immediately, and expects it to be delivered along with her first basket.   

“I love to cook but I find myself ordering pizzas more often”

We are talking about those moments when the Masterchef in us wants attention. We get excited about the recipe that Gordon Ramsey taught you the other day (on Instagram). We order all the ingredients needed and wait for the delivery executive. But due to unprecedented delivery delays, our hunger gets the better of us and we end up ordering  a pizza that we know for sure will reach us in 30 minutes. 

“I knew my grocery was supposed to be delivered today, but I am not home”

To err is human we would say. Customers often opt for planned or next-day delivery when it comes to monthly baskets. But due work or whatever the reason is, at times it becomes a challenge to be present at time of delivery. In this case your delivery gets delayed. Things get more complicated if you are not available the next day too. If only you could have changed the delivery location to that of your nearby relative or a friend, life would’ve been easier.

“I will only buy what I need. Oops! I did it again”

We have already added ingredients to prepare our Thanksgiving meal to the cart, with the hero turkey and dried herbs. Yet, we are far from done. We’ll continue scrolling until we spot those wafers neighbors were raving about. And then comes the health drink we’ll need to balance the carb on the list. It’d be a crime to miss those fresh lemongrass and French Arabica beans at a discount. And are we done yet? Nope! These exciting virtual aisles are to be blamed. It’s okay if we overshop sometimes. But wouldn’t it be great if our baskets had greater capacity so that all the items were delivered at once?

“Did someone say delivery charge? Wha..wait, let me check again”

Extra costs make 55% of us shoppers abandon carts. So, we want our groceries to be shipped at the most economical rate. Yes, confession is liberating. We can surely recall the time when we revaluated the entire cart once we saw that shipping fee. Let’s admit, we are fine spending a few extra dollars for same day or less-than-two-hour delivery, but then grocery delivery providers need to keep their promise of delivering within those timelines. 

Technology To The Rescue of Grocery Delivery Providers

With a smart logistics management platform, grocery delivery providers can easily fulfill these rapidly evolving customer expectations. Such a platform can empower them to intelligently club orders to ensure ‘missed’ ingredients are delivered quickly. Using AI and ML, it can plan efficient routes that always deliver on customer SLAs. It empowers end-customers to change delivery location and time according to their convenience and optimizes vehicle capacity to ensure all the items on a customer’s list are delivered at once. Also, a smart logistics management platform drastically reduces last-mile costs and safeguards end customers from high shipping or delivery fees. 

The joy and satisfaction of seeing the larder full of groceries and a refrigerator brimming with fresh produce is incomparable. Rest assured, whatever your shopping behavior and frequency, smart logistics management technology’s got your back. 

So for the love of groceries, keep shopping!


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